The Storm alternate ending

    The Storm     2006 oct 2 7:00 pm It was a stormy night, not that it was unusual for a storm to happen, but this storm felt different like it was a bad omen. One woman who was particularly upset about the storm was named  Jane. Jane wasn’t your average secretary – you know she was treated like trash,she was underpaid and just straight up abused so the storm wasn’t the worst thing of her day, but still it was a troubling thing. Then, when walking home Jane looked up in the sky and in the storm clouds she saw the words”Jane Remember Me”. Jane screamed in terror and quickly sprinted home and her nerves calmed down when she saw her nice house. You’re probably wondering “well, if Jane is underpaid how does she have such a nice house” Well dear reader I will explain, you see the only reason Jane has made it  this far is because of her loving husband Tristan. You see Tristan was a former actor and when he left the business he stumbled into Jane. So anyways she came home and said “Honey I’m home”. No reply “Tristan?” She called. She looked around and Tristan was nowhere to be seen. But then she heard the sound of his car so  she felt a rush of relief. But then the toilet flushed. Jane stopped in fear. She slowly went up the stairs and the Bathroom door flew open and Jane stumbled back and no one was there.


Jane was so terrified that she fainted in terror then Tristan opened the door. “Honey?” he called. He put down his groceries and looked around the house then he bounded up the stairs when he got to the top he saw Jane passed out on the floor and there was a strange mist coming from the bathroom.He picked up Jane and put her in there bed to sleep and then he went to investigate the mist. When he got there he noticed the mist was more heavy than before. So he went to look and saw that the mist was mostly coming from the toilet so he looked and saw a piece of paper that said “Jane you can not hide from me”. Tristan gulped in fear, he immediately grabbed the paper and dried it off with his antique towel from the 1930s. He ran to his room and put it on his night stand and decided to go to bed. Jane woke up and answered a call from her workplace then her boss said: “Jane I’ve decided to lay you off” Jane was in shock and hung up.This was bad, her job was their only source of income so she needed to find a new job fast.She put down her phone and woke up Tristan and after a long discussion that involved a lot of cursing that we shall not go into Tristan said “I saw that a new restaurant called The Ledbury was hiring a chef”. Jane immediately asked what is their number and she dialed the number and they they answered “Hello?” they said “Hi my name is Jane and I heard that there is a job for a chef open.” Jane said “Yes there is. Would you like to apply?” “ Yes please.” “ Ok we’ll put you on the list.” “Thank you” “No problem” and then she hung up. Well you are probably thinking Nik why did you stretch that out so long well it’s just like a thousand word essay im trying to milk it dry and why am I still rambling on about this to be honest I don’t really know so I guess I should get on with the story.


 So anyways they got out of bed and noticed that the mist was gone so then Tristan showed Jane the note he got out of the toilet. Jane almost fainted again, she also figured it was the ghost of her dead homeless mate Jake who died of arthritis. Which at that point she didn’t have Tristan so she couldn’t help him out so he died.So I’m going to fast forward a few months. So a few months later Jane went in to the interview and got hired and so they lived peacefully for a while until one day when Jane was getting groceries a truck came barreling down the road and she got into a car crash and she was in the hospital for about 6 and a half months. She kept claiming that Jake’s ghost visited her in the darkest of nights but no one believed her. And unfortunately she was right every time it was the darkest hour he would come and slurp chicken noodle soup and eat Pizza Hut pizza!


 Jane was getting sick of it so one night she asked him “What do you want?” He didn’t reply. She kept asking every night until one night where he said “I want you to join me,In this sickening afterlife.” “What?’ She said “What do you mean join you,Wait you want me to die just to see you. you sickening soul I hope you suffered.” “I did suffer Jane, and if you join me I will not suffer anymore.””What will I get out of the deal,huh what do I get for joining you?””You get freedom and tranquility.No more having to walk no more worrying about bills or groceries” Jane was tempted then she remembered that she would have to leave Tristan and that guy at the grocery store and her friends at the Ledbury. So she made up her mind”No””What, what do you mean no I offered you peace and tranquility and you say no?”” No I have peace and tranquility here on earth with my friends and family.””Well then I guess I’ll have to do it myself.”The ghost became a real human and started morphing into a terrifying beast.Which I will not describe because answer 1: It’s to terrifying  or answer 2: I’m too lazy. If you guessed answer 1 you are wrong I’m just too lazy.


 Oh yeah you’re probably wondering where Tristan is well he went on vacation to Alaska, So he was gone. Anyways the beast charged her and she ran and grabbed a chair leg and faced the beast.” I have the high ground Jane  don’t try it” and Jane kinda laughed at the star wars reference. But she did try it and managed to hit it in the eye and it shrieked in terror and backed off. Its form started flickering  “No!” it shrieked and grew even more and eventually they had to take it outside. “Stop this no one loves you Jane. Your parents threw you on the sidewalk when you were 6 yea-” “SHUT UP.” Jane yelled and threw her chair leg at its stomach . The chair leg went straight through it and out its back and then Jane jumped up the beasts wrinkly skin  grabbed the chair leg and shoved it through its head and into the dirt.The beasts form died out and the ghost shrieked and said some words that I can not say without getting into trouble and evaporated into nothing.

 So anyways she went back into her house and  went to sleep. Jane woke up in a hospital “Jane you have been in a coma for 5 years”” huh? But what about Tristan?” “Tristan? are you talking about Tristan the doctor he talked to you maybe it influenced your coma” Jane sat in bed and questioned her reality.


                                    The End

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